Chinchilla keeps eating bedding - is this safe?

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May 28, 2010
My chinchilla (just got him earlier this week) keeps eating the carefresh ultra bedding lining his cage. This worries me - has anyone had any problems with their chins eating carefresh ultra? I feel like it would screw up their digestive systems.
I've heard the same stories. When I first got Shelly I used carefresh. After hearing bad things about it I switched her to pine. I love it. It smells good and holds the odor better. Plus if she is chewing on it I no longer worry.
I have a chinchilla that used to do that as well. She wouldn't stop, so I switched to Aspen pellets just to be safe. I didn't want to run into any problems from her eating it.
My chin used to eat her carefresh, too. I switched her so she has aspen or pine. She eats it just as much but it's ok. And it's LOADS cheaper.
i started with carefresh too, and also had a female who liked munching on it. she seemed to only do it when bored, but it was enough for me to switch to fleece. my hamsters love the carefresh though :)
This is the exact reason I switched from carefresh to kiln dried pine (then to fleece liners). I do not consider carefresh to be a safe bedding for chinchillas.
I buy 40 lb bags of pine pellets at tractor supply but any feed store should have them. They sell it as horse bedding. You can also get big bags of pine shavings for about $6 depending on your area. Aspen shavings for a big bag runs about 10 bucks at tractor supply but I only use aspen for the rats. The chins and bunny get the pellets, it doesn't kick out as easy and vacuums up nicely.