Chinchilla has problems eating, got his teeth trimmed, wont eat.

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Jul 12, 2012
My chinchilla is an 8 year old male.

3 days ago he started having problems to eat. He grabs his favorite food ( nuts for example) and when he tries to eat it, he ends up spitting it out, gagging, dropping it and not wanting it anymore. Yesterday when I took them to the vet, they told me that front, back teeth look okay, nothing seems to be stuck. They gave him vitamin C vaccine. Today I took him to the vet again and they still didn't see anything, they trimmed, clipped his teeth shorter.
I can see that he has lost weight but he's still active, curious, playful but he wont eat. He wants to, he seems hungry but he can't force himself and I can't force him either. I tried many types of food. It is 5-6 hours since the vet.
I don't know what to do. I googled stuff. Anyone can help?
How did they trim them? They should file them, not trim them, and make sure his tongue isn't trapped. He should also have pain meds because filings can expose sore spots and nerves.

He needs pain meds and critical care and needs to be force fed with a syringe.

I'm a little concerned about your vets competence, why did they give him a vit. C ( I'm assuming you meant shot... vaccines prevent things) shot? What color are his teeth? I'm worried that you say clipped and trimmed and not filed. That basically is the equivalent of me taking a pair of tin snips to trim down your teeth...
I've been in this spot several times. He needs something for pain just for a couple of days. You need to start force feeding him. Check around with some vets and see if you can get some Critical Care. If you can't, crunch up some of his pellets, mix it into a wet paste and syringe feed him several times a day until he can tolerate chewing again. It should only take him a few days to get back to eating well on his own. If he still can't eat, the vet needs to take X-rays to check his roots.

If the vet indeed "clipped" and not filed the teeth, get another vet!
How did they trim them? They should file them, not trim them, and make sure his tongue isn't trapped. He should also have pain meds because filings can expose sore spots and nerves.

He needs pain meds and critical care and needs to be force fed with a syringe.

I'm a little concerned about your vets competence, why did they give him a vit. C ( I'm assuming you meant shot... vaccines prevent things) shot? What color are his teeth? I'm worried that you say clipped and trimmed and not filed. That basically is the equivalent of me taking a pair of tin snips to trim down your teeth...

Yes, vitamin C shot, not vaccine. He gave no pain meds, nothing. I almost fainted when he cut his teeth shorter, just with pair of pliers. His teeth are orange and really short now.
Yes, vitamin C shot, not vaccine. Yes, he clipped, trimmed his teeth, cut them shorter with pliers. No pain killers, nothing. I almost fainted. I didn't know it would be that brutal. I'm crying for hours. His teeth are orange and very short now. I think he isn't used to it, teeth being so short. I'm going to try to reach zoo keepers, they say they're the best.
What can I do now?
get him some pain meds and force feed him until he begins to eat on his own. Just a quick note, nuts contain too much fat and chinchillas can not digest fat well. Chinchillas should not eat them. It could cause liver problems down the road.
If his teeth are orange then he has plenty of vit. C. They should be orange.

Getting them CUT is hard on the teeth, the gums, the roots, and the entire jaw. He needs pain meds and force fed. I would call the barbarian, uhm vet, and tell them he's in a lot of pain and see if you can get some metacam for him.
Int 6 yr old chin was doing the same thing... Got extremely thin, drooling and soaked his front. The vet filed two points on the top left molars, and extracted two severely abscessed molars. He had antibiotic for 10 days. He quit eating, nobody near me had critical care. A breeder told me that I needed to syringe feed him kitten formula mixed w oatmeal BABY CEAREAL. (until the critical care came in the mail from every 2-3 hrs. I did that. He started to eat again. Then developed diarrhea. I removed the pellets and fed hay only w his water. He got worse, dehydrated even tho I syringe
fed him water. He was eating his hay. He got week. I lost him Wednesday night. I am devastated. Don't waste any time, they can go down hill so fast!! I pray your chin gets better. FIND A NEW VET!