Chinchilla hairloss?????

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New member
Aug 7, 2011
My chinchilla is losing his hair on his tail. i know that they shed, but his tail looks like he's been pulling out his hair or something. Im just wondering if he really is pulling out his hair, or if he's just shedding his summer coat or something. I'm worried that maby he's sick and it's the cause of his tail losing hair. Also, i've noticed he has a slight eye infection too. He's had it for a while, and idk what to do. I clean his cage once a week, i give him very fresh food, and he has clean water. the fur around his eye looks like he has some wetness coming out and when it dries it... well he has dried up fur that looks like it was wet around his eye. What should do? How do i fix the hairloss on his tail, and how do I fix his eye problem? The Vets here don't know anything about chinchillas. So please reply soon.
Watery eyes in chins could be a couple of things--eye infection which needs to be seen by a vet or teeth issues which again only a vet can give answers. Because there are multiple issues going on with this chinchilla he needs to see a vet for a proper diagnosis.
Where are you located? Maybe someone here can recommend a vet close to you. I agree that your chin needs to see a vet soon. Is he eating his pellets? How are his poops?
You need to find a vet, tail chewing with the eye problem can (I know it sounds strange but it is true) point to teeth issues. Chins can fur chew in response to pain and with dental chins the tail is a favorite spot. If you have a chin you need a vet, chins can do dumb things and get themselves hurt so better to get in gear and find one now rather than having to do it when your chin is at deaths door.