Chinchilla Colors

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Dec 21, 2011
I was looking around online and saw there are many different colors of Chinchillas. The Beige, White, and Mosiacs really stood out to me. Is 1 more rare than the other, or are they all just as common as the greys are?
The standard gray is definitely the most common. All other colors are called mutations and can usually only be gotten through a breeder. Sometimes they pop up in pet stores though.
As stated the grays are more common. However, unfortunately, the other colors are seen more often now in pet stores (especially beiges) Often beiges are called lite grays by the pet stores. Mosaic and whites are the same color.
Grey is always the most common color cause any color chin can have a grey kit. Every other color is just a mutation of that. Some are more common than others just depends on what your locat breeder breeds for or what the pet store orders.
Mosaics are whites. Both whites and beige are fairly common, though not as numerous as standard grays. There are probably more whites than there are beige, some people seem turned off by the red eyes that beige have. But neither are rare by any means.