Chinchilla cage on floor?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2011
Cohoes, NY
Hi everyone,
I brought my little girl home last weekend and she came with a cage without a stand. it is a smaller cage but for now I have to make do as I save for her FN142.
Her cage is in my bedroom and right now it is on the floor. When she is out of her cage she runs around the room and plays in and out of the cage. I tried to put it up on a dresser but then when she is out playing she can't go back into her cage if she wants.
I am just wondering if having her on the floor creates any anxiety for her. Do chins prefer to be up higher?

Thank you for the feed back!
both Rhino's first and second (much larger) cage are both right on the floor. well, the current big cage is about 2 inches above the floor on itty bitty casters. he has no issue at all with it being down on the floor, and spends about half his time on the floor of his cage. i love the fact that i can keep the lower door open during playtime and he can hop in and out as he pleases.
Thank you!
My cage does not have wheels and is only 30" tall so I was not sure if it was distressing for her. I do have her in a corner though so I am not walking by her cage every time i enter the room.
I have a couple of towers made out of Quality Cages' Chinchilla Condos (three in each stack). The bottom of the cage is just a few inches off of the floor. It Does not seem to bother the chins that are in the bottom cages and I have both cats and dogs.