Chinchilla and Rabbit

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New member
May 21, 2013
Hey all!

I have been doing a lot of research on this and have yet to find a definitive answer. I know I can't put them in the same cage or get them running around together due to disease and potential physical injury. Can I though, in their separate cages have them in the same room?

The room is quite big so cages wont be next to each other, hopefully stop random dust/hay/evil glances from getting to each other. We are about to start a major decorating and remodel of our home and would like to keep them here...wouldn't trust parents to look after one as they are prolific treat providers haha.

Anyway, thanks for reading!

Mark :)
It's not really advised, rabbits can be carriers of a bacteria disease that can be transmitted though the air and is deadly to chins. The problem is they can carry the disease without showing any symptoms or getting sick themselves, meaning your rabbit could be fine (and therefore you have nothing to worry about) or could just be hiding it.

I guess if the room is very large, so the cages would be many meters apart, and it's just for a little while, so long as your rabbit isn't showing any symptoms like sneezing or coughing (which would make it airborne) you might be ok.