Chinchilla active almost all day?

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New member
Feb 18, 2011
Good afternoon! I'm a newbie here, and i've been lurking/reading as I'm a new Chin owner! We have had her a week today. And she is my very first chin ever. Finally talked my husband into letting me get one. We also have 4 guinea pigs. Two boys, and two girls. ( in different cages, don't want pig babes! lol ) I know chins are supposed to be up most of the night and sleep all day, but mine seems to be up a lot, and quite a bit in the day time. I do see her sleep off and on of course, but is this normal for them? Should i be concerned for her if she's not sleeping a lot. I've been giving her floor time almost 3 times a day. I'm a stay at home mom so i have the time to do so, and my kids love to play with her. Maybe she's out too long? She does look small, so i think she's a young one. I can post a picture of her to maybe see her age. Thanks so much for your time, and i look forward to posting around, and learning more about these little guys. I'm in love with her, and i don't want to do anything to hurt, or harm her!

Have a wonderful day!:thumbsup:
She's probably awake because you're moving around her. When I go in the chin room they are usually snoozing, but once they hear me come in they are awake and staring at me.
Yea, she's probably just getting used to everything. My chin was more alert when I first got her too.

I second the picture posting idea!


My boys are active throughout the day as well. They are in a separate room, but I can hear them running on their wheel pretty often and so I'll go in and say hello. I know I've heard of chins that were more active throughout the day. I guess mine are just "night owls" for their own schedule. :D
Thanks guys!

Sorry about the double post with the pictures. Not used to the posting style yet, and i didn't read that it said it would take a few :rofl:
Ezio and Altair are awake most of the time, it seems to me. It used to be because they were new here. But now it's just them. It's great because I can play with them whenever I walk by. I love my boys!
i've read that sometimes chins can be acclimated to be awake during the day, and sleep more at night. might be the case of your chin? btw, she is a cutie! :))
I totally caught her sleeping around 3 am when i went to fix my daughters bed lol. I think she's been sleeping at night, and awake during the day. Which is fine for me. I just didn't know if that was ok, or if they should have the awake at night schedule. I love spending time with her during the day so as long as it's not going to hurt her health wise ( not sure if that's even an issue lol ) than it's ok with me :) Thanks for your kind answers and hope you enjoyed that pictures. She sure is a cutie, and i can't stand the sad look she gives me when i put her back in the cage lol.