Chin wobbling

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New member
Feb 22, 2012
Milton Keynes
Hi everyone
I am new to this forum but have kept chinchillas for quite a while, I rescue most of mine so i have had my fair share of problems and a fantastic vet...however this one has stumpped us and I am hopeing for any help any one can give!

I have a male who is about 5years old, he has always been pretty healthy and friendly, however he started to retain fluid everywhere, his eating slowed down and he became lathargic.

The xrays are attached, you can see all the fluid, especially around his neck. Anyway, the xrays look ok, vet said the heart was slightly larger than expected but not excessive.

the vet tried to take blood but couldnt due to excess fluid.

The heart also sounds normal no murmer and is not beating fast.

He will not eat on his own but has a really good apitite, he will sit and willingly eat loads of critical care and is still eating some hay. and is drinking fine.

He is on diuretics which has reduced all the fluid and he is back in tomorrow to try and get blood again.

but also he has started to wobble, he looks like it is alot of effort to walk/jump and is no where near as agile, he seems to fall off things and miss things quite alot. not anything really bad just starting to happen abit.

his poos are ok, not brilliant but getting better since we have put him on full time critical care.

He has no tempurature, high or low.

He is not looseing fur and eyes and teeth look healthy

I think I have covered most things, any questions I will answer and would be really gratfull of any help.

This little boy was my partners first pet in his life and holds an extra special place in his heart for him. It's upsetting to loose any family member but for my other half I think this one will be extra hard....I don't know what else to do!


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It could definitely still be congestive heart failure or possibly have something to do with the kidneys. I'd go with heart problems and possibly the vet can't hear a murmur.

Where is he retaining the fluid? Is he retaining it all over?
Chin should have been prescribed lasix to start with, after the fluid retention is reduced the situation can further diagnosed. If the chin has congestive heart heart failure and has no further medical condtions it can be treated with lisinopril daily and lasix as needed.