Chin Wet until Tail?

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New member
May 25, 2011
My little girl is always wet (or stained) under her tail. I have watched her, and it seems to be when she pees she sits in it after and sort of drags her butt, and gets herself wet. She is eating, drinking, and sleeping fine.

What can I do about this? Should I bring her to the vet?
what do you have for her to go pee on/in? a pyrex baking pan used as a litter box, filled with either kiln dried pine or aspen shavings will work well for keeping the pee off her, since the shavings will soak it up quite quickly.
She may just be a messy chin, in which case you are fighting a losing battle, or there may be an issue because a chin should not drug it's butt after it urinates. If she does that all the time, I would get her checked.