Chin vanity?

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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2009
lately Kishi has been hating it when i muss up her fur,sometimes she on't even let me scritch her without grooming the spot when she's done.she also spends alot more time in the dustbath than silkie ever did,i have keep it out of the cage and supervise when she goes in or she'll spend all day in there, anyone else have chin like that, presonally i find it really amusing,she's beautiful and knows it:p
I have a cat very much like that, but my Chinchilla, Sugar, is pretty close. When I first got her it was pretty hard to get out her of the dust bath.
Both of our boys are like that to at least some extent - especially Kenai. He's totally fine while I'm holding him or while he's playing in my sweatshirt or whatever, but as soon as he's back on the ground... FLUFF! (as we lovingly call it - much like a dog shaking water off) As if to say "Jeez mom, thanks for messing up my fur!" So cute!
Cinder tolerates it for a while, especially if I'm giving scritches. :)
But if she's not in the mood, or has had enough, she'll push or bat my fingers away. lol Almost looks like she's playing patty-cake with me.
Yup, both boys do that here also. "Don't mess up my do mom, geesh!"
Yup Sand is like that dont mess up her hair and dont forget to scritch the one spot, and only spot under her chin, DONT pet her head, talk about stink eye. LOL I pet her head just to see her stink eye me and you almost hear her thoughts cant type them here but you probably know what I mean anyway.