chin twirling and tugging on whiskers?

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2011
Pottstown, PA
I was watching Ruby in her cage and I saw her sort of twirling her whiskers a couple times then pulling/tugging on them. None of them were ripped out but can someone tell me what this means? Is something bothering her or was she just itchy? =/
Sounds like she was cleaning her whiskers.. Were her hands in little fists and swiping with her arms kind of in a crossed position at the same time?
Sounds like she was cleaning her whiskers.. Were her hands in little fists and swiping with her arms kind of in a crossed position at the same time?

Her hands were in little fists but what do you mean her arms were kind of crossed??
Crossed as in, her left hand and arm were swiping the right side of her face and vice versa, but at the same time. My chins do this, starting at the nose they swipe all the way down the whiskers while raising their nose in the air. Their hands usually end about mid-belly with each pass. Sometimes they do short bursts of just the front of the whiskers before following with the full length clean. Can anyone point to a Youtube example? I'm at work and Youtube is blocked.
lol I love how you're at work and on CnH at the same time =P but I just Youtubed some chin cleaning videos and I think that's what she was doing..PHEW I guess since I'm a new mommy, I'm somewhat of a worry wart
Yup just sounds like Ruby was just washing up! Their whiskers are what they use to gauge width and proximity to the things around them so they're constantly cleaning and separating them to get the most use out of all of the whiskers!
Hmm, maybe my guys seem to be the only ones who do the "arm crossed whisker clean" cause the chin in the video didn't really do it the same. I've always said my boys are special :hilarious: And don't tell the boss people about CNH or I would have nothing to do on my breaks and lunch! LOL:thumbsup:
haha chub chub I won't tell! I go on CnH when I'm in class so it's okay =P I saw her doing this again and she is definitely relieved! thanks everyone!
When one of my boys whisker cleans he looks like he is boxing with his nose... it's hilarious and adorable. :)