Chin social dynamics

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2011
I´ld be really interested in hearing on how other people´s chins interact with eachother, especially if some chin friendships seem a little onesided ;)

Silver and Dragon have been living together since July this year (I brought them home in October after they had had two other homes together) and they have bonded really well and settled in. The woman I got them from told me that Dragon was the dominant one of the two because whenever we put out food he is the first one to eat and often pushes Silver out of the way to get to treats, but I personally think that Silver is just laid back, he calls the shots and lets Dragon get away with what he wants. Silver seems pretty indifferent to Dragon at times, he picks the sleeping place for them both and every night and morning when I check on them sleeping they are snuggled togather and Dragon has his little arms around Silver, I swear it´s a hug. If I seperate them for any reason Silver doesnt seem to mind but Dragon gets frantic and starts calling out. Maybe it´s because he is still a baby but I hope he doesnt grow out of loving his best friend.
Sophie and Rosie are like this. Sophie (who was my first chin) is more outgoing and seemingly bossy, but Rosie is definitely THE BOSS!
There are days that Rosie won't take anything from me, but instead waits until Sophie gets her nightly treat (be it a stick, oats, or what have you) and then runs up grabs it right out of Sophie's little hands. Sophie doesn't seem to mind much, and just comes to get a refill.
My first 2 chins, Bowie and Ziggy, had an ideal intro and friendship just like your furkids. One day they decided they didn't like sharing the playpen (this was when I was still fairly new to chins and didn't know to seperate them immediately) and chased and furslipped their friendship into oblivion. Ziggy even tried to stand up and spray Bowie once. It was pitiful. But now I think they would kill each other if they were anywhere close to each other. Keep an eye for the signs of fighting, even if they seem attached at the hip. Chins that are together for years can suddenly turn on each other.
Sam and Dexter have a give/take relationship. They get treats, then Sam takes Dexters.. In fairness tho, Dexter is always showing Sam who's the boss by mounting him and then bouncing off. :eyeroll: