chin shelving help

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I have converted all my shelves from wire shelvs to chinchilla safe wood shelves. I have noticed it is turning the bottom side of them yellow, and i think one of my girls has an infection. I was wondering what I can do? I know this is better for them, but they seemed much happier with the wire sheving. THanks
Please don't go back to the wire shelving it can hurt their feet and it can also do serious damage.

As for the yellowing on the bottom of the wood shelves, i don't know. I have a ton of them and the bottom's are fine with color. It's just the top of them turn because they pee on them, but then you can use vinegar (sorry for spelling) to clean the pee off.

WHat kind of wood are the shelves. I use the pine onces like this.

they can be bought almost anywhere. Is it possible that the type of wood you have isn't good and that's why it's turning yellow, i admit i don't know about wood, just know what's safe for chins

Good luck
That's strange. I had wire shelves in the cage when I bought it, but switched them out a while back to pine. My girl seems MUCH happier sitting/hopping on them and she has never gotten a yellow tint on her bottom side (or an infection).

What type of wood are you using? Any glues or paints?
How did you attached the shelves to the cage?

And where is the infection you think is forming? What does it look like?

I'm only asking these questions so we can try and help identify any problems that may be contributing to the situation. :)

Hope things are ok with your furry ones.
Chin's stomachs and back ends can turn yellow if they sit in their pee or dirty bedding. Are they peeing on the shelf and then sitting in it?

And why do you think one has an infection? If she does, then she needs to get to a vet.
It really does sound like the chin is peeing on shelves. Once the pee has soaked in, you can try sanding it, but you might not be able to sand deep enough to get rid of it all.
Opps sorry I misunderstood your post, I thought you meant that the wood was turning colors.

Yes what other people wrote is true, if they pee and sit in it, sometimes they do tend to turn yellow down there. I've seen it on mine, and thanfully, no one has ever gotten an infection.
