chin randomly becoming aggressive

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Feb 3, 2011
We have 2 male chinchillas that have been together for almost a year now and when we woke up this morning one of them was missing a patch of fur on his side on the back and there was some scratches. We separated them for now but the one that was being mean was usually always trying to cuddle and be next to the other one so why would he change his personality over night like that?
sometimes chins that have lived together without issue will start fighting. that is when it is time to separate them, usually for good.

it's a good thing it was only some fur missing and a couple of scratches! keep an eye on the scratches and put some Blue Kote on them.
I would not separate them "for now." I would separate them permanently. A little missing fur is one thing, but what you are seeing are not scratches, they are bite marks. If there is blood drawn, then they are done. It will only escalate from there and you might not be lucky enough to catch it in time.
I have had a couple of cases where, out of the blue, my male pairs became aggressive. I never witnessed any fighting, but once I saw bites, they were done as roomies- for good. Better safe than sorry!
Should we wait until his injuries have healed to give him a dust bath again, or will he be fine?