Chin peeing on hands constantly

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Dec 21, 2011
Elliette recently developed this strange behavior, and I can not seem to find and answer or solution anywhere. On Non-playtime days, I make sure to play with her inside the cage. Lately, when I put my hands in, she climbs on them and a few minutes later pees a bit, then turns around and pees again. I throughly wash and sanitize before going near her, so I don't think it could be a smell. Anyone have any idea of how to train her to stop?
Have you tried no washing your hands and using sanitizer straight before handling? I'm wondering if its the smell of those that she is reacting too?

Certainly not a behaviour I've heard of at all. You can then wash and santize after.
I laughed when I read this. Sounds like your chinchilla is marking you for her property!

Something that works well for dogs is to make an unpleasant noise when they perform an undesirable behavior. For example, those guerilla "bird houses" that emit a high frequency noise when a dog barks--it trains the dog to stop barking. Usually hung by a noise-weary neighbor.
I think if you yell at your chin she will only end up scared of you. Maybe if you had an out-of sight noise-making toy, so she doesn't know it's you that is making the sound? Although that might terrify her as well. Does negative reinforcement ever work on a chinchilla?
not washing is not much of an option for me. I work with animals for a living and know that it is entirely possible to bring something contagious home. My hand soap and sanitizer remain unchanged and both are unscented, the brand is method. When she pees in/on my hands it is always clear and almost like small piddles...enough to get my hand wet, but not her typical pee length.