chin not eating

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New member
Dec 27, 2011
Please help, my chin had some dental work done almost two weeks ago and he still will not eat. we see the vet almost every other day. he spits out the critical care, will not eat any treats. he is not drinking either. we are trying to force feed him, but he still spits out the food. it has been a few days since we've seen the vet, we see him tomorrow (closed on account of christmas) any suggestions. I have had all the vet work done on him, xrays, blood and feces tests. He is on medication for pain and bloating. He has also lost a lot of weight. first weigh in 755g(two weeks ago), now he is 603g.
What flavor critical care are you feeding? Have you tired any other food replacements? What kind of dental work was done, was it just a filing? Does the chin have bloat or are you using the med just for preventative medication? Is he on any antibiotics? Have you tried adding anything to the critical care for flavor such as pumpkin or black strap molasses?