Chin noises

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Dec 5, 2012
Well i have a HUGE problem!
My chinchilla (mouse) who ive only had for about a month makes soooooo many moises. He will also sit in the corner and hide under his wheel its been going on for a short time and this just recently started. Some of his noises include......
parrot noise
kindove sneezes when i go torward him
sounds like a sqeaky toy
jumps off walls
im becoming afraid of him bacause he may bite hard ive only had him for a short time but he is troubling me alot!
Has he ever bit you? The worst thing you can do us become scared of him... How old is he? If he is young you should most definitely handle him for a few minutes every day atleast. If he is older, you are letting him become the dominant one and thats no good. Try to sit by his cage and talk or read to him, when you clean his cage and feed take your time so he can smell you, and talk in a soft gentle voice... It can take some months or years to warm up to people. Just be patient and take it one step at a time :)
Has he ever bit you? The worst thing you can do us become scared of him... How old is he? If he is young you should most definitely handle him for a few minutes every day atleast. If he is older, you are letting him become the dominant one and thats no good. Try to sit by his cage and talk or read to him, when you clean his cage and feed take your time so he can smell you, and talk in a soft gentle voice... It can take some months or years to warm up to people. Just be patient and take it one step at a time :)

thanks so much! :) im just afraid he isnt happy and that makes me sad... although i got a book on chinchillas and i read part of it to him. sometimes i open his cage and let him sniff but today he hopped out and i tried to grab hium but i screamed and then i got him and he was shaking very bad he only nibbles he is three or four months btw
In my chins' language the parrot noise means "dude not now" and is mostly produced when one is sleeping and the other one annoys him.
When they do the squeaky sound i know something is wrong (most of the times) - temperature went up or down a lot, tv is too loud etc.

Don't be afraid of your chin! Chins can nibble your hand, and if you hold them against their will (don't do that) they will even nibble a bit harder...
From my experience a chin wil hop away when he doesn't like the situation rather then biting.

Like Kayla said, interact! Play games with him and earn his trust.

A silly thing to do that helped me and my chins in the beginning to get acquinted is handfeeding. I picked a brand of food that is completely different from pellets (beaphar care for example), so they see it as a treat. Also you can give a few/evening, cause the real treats should be limited.
What i did was, i take the treats in my hand, make a fist with that hand and then make an "0" with your thumb and index finger. Then open up your other fingers a bit aswell (all besides the pink) so you get this sort of a funnel.
Stick your hand in and let your chin come and get his candy! He will need to stick the tip of his snout into your hand to reach the treats, so he gets familiarized with your smell and learns not to fear your hands. Talk to him gently while he does it.

Once they had the first treats they need to reach further into your hand to get the rest, and they will try to pull your fingers further open with their little paws, wich give you time to stroke his head.

Just take your time and things will work out for you
thank you so much! again i will try the funnel thing i hope he understands what he needs to do! :)
I take my chins into the bathroom to play! Its safe and confined... Ill lay down on the floor on my stomach and read and they have to climb all over me! On my head, running up and down my back and legs... They have even gotten so comfortable, they will come and sit on my arms to block my book like "hey, this is MY time! Watch this!" haha I have an 8month old and 4month old, and the younger is more shy and nervous. My older one knows when i go stand by the door its time to go home and will climb up my leg to my shoulder! Haha but the younger one I dont want to risk scaring by chasing him, so I put his travel cage down with a little hay in it and he goes running in!
One, slow down. The chinchilla is scared and needs to learn that you are not going to eat it. Hiding behind the wheel is just a reaction to being scared. Sitting next to the cage and talking, reading a book or even singing are good ways to get the chinchilla used to you and your voice. You can also place your hand in the cage and let him climb over it. Once he is feeling comfortable with you hand and arm you can try holding you hands palms up and gently lifting up just a little. He will probably jump right off and that is ok. Just keep repeating this until he stays in your hands. Do not use treats to bribe him to coming to you. This just teaches him not to come if you don't have food. Also, kits under 6 months should not have any treats at all. What ever you do, try not to scream or yell. It will scare him and then you need to start over.
One, slow down. The chinchilla is scared and needs to learn that you are not going to eat it. Hiding behind the wheel is just a reaction to being scared. Sitting next to the cage and talking, reading a book or even singing are good ways to get the chinchilla used to you and your voice. You can also place your hand in the cage and let him climb over it. Once he is feeling comfortable with you hand and arm you can try holding you hands palms up and gently lifting up just a little. He will probably jump right off and that is ok. Just keep repeating this until he stays in your hands. Do not use treats to bribe him to coming to you. This just teaches him not to come if you don't have food. Also, kits under 6 months should not have any treats at all. What ever you do, try not to scream or yell. It will scare him and then you need to start over.

Thank you! :) those are good suggestions i will try and i got that no treats whatsoever i will take your suggestions also i tried the funnel thing that works a whole lot!