Chin nibbled on mold, need guidance

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Apr 13, 2011
Hey all, was playing with my Chin just now in the bathroom and he started nibbling on the toilet cold water supply in the wall. I ran over and shooed him away and saw some green-grey mold looking substance on the supply. It seems like he nibbled on it and he tried coming back for more until I covered it up. I know Chins are very sensitive to molds and can die from things like moldy hay. What should I look for, is there anything I can do?
Yikes! erm, I'd watch his poops and keep an eye on how much he's eating... I'd probably consult with a vet too, just to be on the safe side. I've also heard giving activated charcoal can help absorb potential toxins, but again I'd probably ask a vet first. Better safe than sorry I'd say.

Hopefully someone with better advice will come on the forum soon.
Hope the lil guy is alright!
Just looked at Nacho's poops and they seem normal. He's sleeping now but seems to be acting normal. Maybe it was a dustball that he took off the water supply. I'll keep an eye on him and keep you guys posted.