Chin May Have Gotten into D-Con...

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Apr 6, 2013
hey all. i was wondering if anyone has had a chin that has gotten into d-con. i can't take him to the vet right now, so i wanted to see if there was anyone who had this experience. do they get sick right away? what are some signs? what can i do? i bought some vitamin k from walmart just to see if it can hold him over, but he only ate a little bit of it. please advise. thanks.
You need to get him to a vet. Your chinchilla may have just ate RODENT poison - a poison that is specifically designed to kill animals like your chin. Even dogs die every year from this. D-con causes the blood to not coagulate, basically causing the animal to bleed out and hemorrhage to death. He needs to get an injection of a large amount of vitamin K, not just a tablet. This treatment lasts several weeks to months as D-con has a drawn out period of causing the anticoagulation. There is nothing you can do, he needs immediate vet attention. And if he already starts hemorrhaging, it will be to late for anyone to save him. They can hemmorhage into the chest cavity causing difficult breathing and bleeding from the nose/mouth, into the skin, in the abdomen, and it can cause nervous system dysfunction. This can take anywhere from a few minutes, to a couple days, to weeks.
You need to get him to a vet. Your chinchilla may have just ate RODENT poison - a poison that is specifically designed to kill animals like your chin. Even dogs die every year from this. D-con causes the blood to not coagulate, basically causing the animal to bleed out and hemorrhage to death. He needs to get an injection of a large amount of vitamin K, not just a tablet. This treatment lasts several weeks to months as D-con has a drawn out period of causing the anticoagulation. There is nothing you can do, he needs immediate vet attention. And if he already starts hemorrhaging, it will be to late for anyone to save him. They can hemmorhage into the chest cavity causing difficult breathing and bleeding from the nose/mouth, into the skin, in the abdomen, and it can cause nervous system dysfunction. This can take anywhere from a few minutes, to a couple days, to weeks.

Stacie- thanks for your input, dear. i know the poison specifically states that it is for rats & mice, not just rodents, but that makes sense. now my question is, does it matter how much he ate? he literally nibbled no more than a pinch on the corner. is that still enough to kill him? i'd rather know if i can remedy this at home than spending $80+ that i dont have right now. my mom will pay for it for me if it comes down to it, but if i dont have to, i won't. if i do, i will.

it's already been almost 6hrs and he SEEMS fine. i don't want to say he is but he might just be keeping it quiet. SIGH....
It's not a risk I'd be willing to take. If it were one of my chins, I'd have been at the e-vet the second it happened. The D-Con is a slow acting poison, you won't know for sure until it's too late.
Vet! I lost a kitten that simply caught a mouse that had eaten D-Con. It doesn't take much to kill.
The lethal dose is by weight. I saw a yorkie who died from eating 1 pellet of dcon. So a chin can easily die. The longer you wait the less likely you are to save him! Vitamin k will do no good if he doesn't get the proper amount every 12 hours until his clotting time is right. He needs a vet asap.
it can and will kill him if not treated immediately. its an anti-coagulant which makes the blood thinner and he will bleed out internally if not treated ASAP. It doesn't take much to kill a rat or mouse, I can only imagine it wouldn't take much to kill a chin either. If you value your pet, seek medical attention before its too late.
Another vote for the vet. Eating D-con is a terrible way to die, much like people getting Ebola. It's painful and the animal suffers. Please go to the vet.
I really hope this chin has been taken to the vet. $80 now may be cheaper than replacing the chin.

And IMO, if you don't have $80 to spend at the vet, you may want to re-think having a chin as a pet. I don't think I've ever left the vet's office for under $100 even on super minor issues like a respiratory infection, much less eating rat poison. Usually the bill is much higher than $80 for taking chins to the vet, at least around here.
Vet. No question. Respect your pet and get it the care it needs.

Also, how did your chin even come into contact with D-con?
You have to go to the vet. Home remedies won't work. Six hours and still no signs of a problem is great, but that is no indication that there won't be problems in the next few hours. The vitamin K from walmart won't work very well.

You will know when your chin starts to go downhill from eating the poison and there will be nothing you can do. It's not a very happy way for the chins to go, and you won't know until the very end. I've heard of people witnessing their chins eating poison and watching them for a few hours only to find them dead in the morning. Or, to find them very lethargic in the morning so the vet can't do anything.

$80 isn't so bad for a vet bill. You should see my vet bills!! This isn't something that would be that expensive. It's important that you go or you could lose your chin. If there was a home remedy that would work as well or better than going to a vet, I would tell you. The unfortunate thing is that there is nothing that can be done besides going in to see someone qualified in treating these things. I'm very sorry to have to tell you that! :( I don't want your chinchilla to die.