chin licking

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Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
after around 5 years of owning chins.. iv been suprised yet again. My one boy houdini who generaly doesnt even like to be pet, was letting me pet him while be was busy as **** licking my finger today.

And i dont mean nibbeling, or chewing, i mean he was licking my finger liek you would except a dog to lick someones face! I was amazed lol.

Theirs only one reason i can possibly think of. The only thing that has been diffrent. I had tried a new type of icecream earlier; moca mudslide. (horrible name) He could have possibley tasted that residue on my hand maybe. Other then that, i have no idea why. But it was the strangest thing lol
my Rhino will lick me sometimes. mostly it's on the hands, but once in awhile when he's grooming my ears, lol, he'll lick as he grooms.
my little 2 week old babies lick my hands too:) its to darn cute. adding it to the list of weird animals that have licked me. goes right up at the top next to a bird at the zoo