Chin is sick please help

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New member
Jun 10, 2012
My girlfriends chinchilla usually very active is now just laying down and not moving much. He is in with a female. The female is doing just fine. He doesnt really want to eat or move. He is still breathing and will move a little bit

He has some puss filled bump near his testicles.

I read it could be heat stroke. The room is at 75 we are in the process of trying to cool him down. His ears have not turned red yet.

Could it be anything else?

Please help.
How big is the pus filled bump? I'm not sure that it is a heatstroke, but in any event it sounds to me like he needs to get to a vet ASAP. Do you have an emergency vet you can get him to?
The pus wont really let us look at him. We have the fan going near him So he will cool down. How do we check for hair rings?

Why does he need to go to the vet?

How big is the pus filled bump? I'm not sure that it is a heatstroke, but in any event it sounds to me like he needs to get to a vet ASAP. Do you have an emergency vet you can get him to?

I do not think we have an emergency vet. I am not sure that any are open because it is sunday... :(
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Unfortunately, with chins, they need exotic vets that are knowledgeable about them. A not-so-knowledgeable vet would treat them like a rodent and suggest they eat fruits and veggies, etc. It is good to have a chin vet already found in case of emergencies like this. A chin will hide their condition until it is almost too late to treat them. At that point, you really need to act quickly to save them. His condition sounds pretty serious and I really don't think you can wait to have him seen. I would be searching your area for any emergency vet that is open, even within a radius of a couple of hours, and hopefully this vet has knowledge of a chin's specific care and needs. Good luck, but please, a vet is the only advice we can offer.
If he is lethargic that is a symptom of a true emergency and he could literally be dead within minutes to hours if you do not find out what is wrong with him. They hide illness until the last possible second in order to prevent being preyed on in the wild. This is an instinct that has not gone away despite domestication. Unfortunately the effect is that they often die by the time they do show symptoms of illness or injury.

You can use the search button on this forum and you will see what and why hair or fur rings checks are done on males but at this point I think that getting him to a vet should be your priority. It is possible that he has a fur ring and that it has cut off circulation to his penis and possibly he is suffering from an infection. He could have an abcess in that same area for any number of other reasons but unfortunately finding the cause is not as important right now as treating him.

Good luck. If you post where you are from, it is quite possible that a forum member knows of an exotic vet in your area.

Has he been eating and pooping?
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If your chin is lethargic and not moving it is a life and death moment. He needs to see a knowlegdable vet immediately. Where are you located?
We will be able to better assist you if you post your location.
Just an FYI. Chinchillas do not sweat so a fan will not cool them off and 75 degrees can cause heat stoke. I hope this chin went to a vet.