Chin has been acting strange, impaction?

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New member
Oct 14, 2016
Hi, no emergency exotic animal clinics around me are open, but this is what's going on:

My chin was lethargic, and being a first time chin owner I thought it was simply because he was stressed with his new environment (I got him a week ago). However, today he started eating his bedding (wood, which I now found is dangerous), is making a low quacking noise I haven't heard before and his body is making this hiccuping motion if that makes sense? His stomach seems hard when I touched it but he didn't express discomfort.

He also had this weird episode today where he was playing and suddenly stood still and started trembling for a few seconds. He seemed fine after that though.

His teeth have also been chattering often, which he hasn't been doing either.

I'm not sure what to do, as I heard chins can go downhill very quickly, and I'm very nervous.

He's acting fine except for the occasional random nap; he's eating and drinking ok and he's pooping a bit less but it doesn't seem like a concerning differences