Chin eating habits and poo have changed after injury

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New member
Dec 25, 2012
Lakewood, CA
About a month or so ago our Chin lost the tip of her tail. It got caught and "socked" off.

We rushed her to the vet and was given Baytril. Dosage was orally twice a day for two weeks.

I did read that Baytril will affect her eating habits so her loss of appetite was expected and the very very small or lack of poo.

So now it has been almost two weeks off of Baytril but her pre injury eating habits have not returned. She used to eat like a horse now she seem just to eat to survive. She has also lost weight.

Her poo is now about the size of a thin grain or rice. Before they were 3x the size.

She will eat her treats, she drinks water and when we take her out of her cage she does run around. But the lack or size and amount of poo has me worried. She is about 11 months old not sure if that has anything to do with it.

We were thinking she's still depressed about losing part of her tail. Our other chin who lives separately is about 4 months old and eat and poos regularly maybe 3x as much and about 2x as large.