Chin Biting

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2011
My Chin bites me when i pick him up or hold him. Just yesterday i picked him up during playtime and he bit me on the arm. it dosent break skin but it pinchs and hurts alittle. When he does this i look at him and go "No Bite." He usually dosent do it again after i say that but when i pick him up or am holding him again he does. He trys chewing on the wood in my bathroom and i said "No" and i put my hand beside him and started moving my hand infront of him and he turned and bit my arm. He NEW it was me because ive done it several times and i went slow. However this is the first. When i did it he made squeaky noises. NOT a bark. How do i get him to stop biting?
Lola goes to bite me when i go near her cage and feeling territorial and Dotty does the occasional nibble when i am holding her, i do the same and tell them no and i calmly carry on what im doing and ignore the behaviour. Unless its a break the skin bite i tend not to really take notice :)
my girl chews and eats everything when shes outa her cage. She was trainable.. cause she knows full well that shes not supposed to. But she gets highly defencive of what ever she chewed off. She will defend she claim like a a bear and her cubs.

As for biting, if shes mainly/only doing it when u pick her up... maybe stop picking her up?
sounds like your little guy has an attitude, lol.

don't give any reaction to him biting (as in, don't draw away or show that it surprised you). once he realizes that biting doesn't get him his own way (not being picked up, etc) he will learn not to bite.
I just kacked back at Little Two Paws when he first did it to me!!!

He had the least amount of socialization because I got him from a rancher. He caught on immediately.

He is now my best nose kisser!!!
Sounds like a bratty teenager chin. I have one of those. :D And like Lynn said, kacking at them when they do that really is effective.
Boji isn't a morning chinchilla. If I go anywhere near his cage in the morning, he charges and chatters. I shove a stick in his mouth and tell him to go "upstairs" if I need to refill the food or hay. Any other time of day, he's a perfect love, right down to the eyelid nibbles. With some chins, it's just the way it goes.
Do not let him have his way when he bites. If you do you will encourage the biting. Like Chinmom said, when they bite just act like it didn't happen and continue doing what you were doing, whether that be picking him up, holding him, or steering him away from something. He will eventually figure out that biting doesn't work for him.
I think whenever my chins nip me its because they want to tell me something. Sometimes they want to get put down, sometimes the way im holding them is uncomfortable, and sometimes theyre annoyed that I tell them no for something they want to do. I just do my best to listen to their requests while still keeping them safe...if that makes sense.
GodofGods, i cant stop picking him up. if i do itll be like taking 500 steps back. I got him from an owner who had him for SIX YEARS! I dont no if hes testing his boundaries because he is comfrotable with me now but either way i no that if i stop picking him up he'll never fully trust me. As for what all the rest of you are saying i totally agree. Thanks you guys pretty much proved what i have been thinking about these past few days. Lol i dont no if ill be able to make the kacking sound but noises seem to work. if i get the right tone down **** stop what ever hes doing and walk away from it. Not that he wont go back at it a few minutes later. hes starting to come near me or actually hope up onto me when i click my tounge at him. :) It just makes me happy to see the progress were making. Its about a month and a half - 2 months and i was actually worried that it would take longer for him to trust me atleast a little. He still freaks alittle when i put him in his travel case to clean his cage. The first time was the worst. he made noises and was pawing at the cage bars. I beleive that his foremore owner cleaned out and packed up his cage infront of him and then handed him off onto me which i think is wrong. its getting less and less now that he freaks but he still paws every once in awhile at the cage. I just give him a stick to calm him down :)