Chewy has an abscess

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New member
Dec 10, 2011
Hi, This is my first time posting here. I'd never heard of you before tonight. Our chinchilla has an abscess that we've been going to vets to treat. Here's what's been going on:

Chewy is about 6 years old. He developed an abscess in his cheek. The vet took x-rays and examined Chewy's mouth and the teeth looked fine. He surgically drained the abscess and sent us home with meds (cost about $500 so far). A week later the abscess regrew to it's former size. We went to a closer vet (also an exotic specialist) who examined Chewy, checked the x-rays and declared the teeth to look okay. She surgically drained the abscess and sent us home with baytril and metacam (another $450--and wants another $165 to culture the bacteria). This is my son's chinchilla (he's 20 with some special needs of his own). He loves this little critter and wants to save him, but the vet says she doesn't know if the abscess will ever get better--that we might be treating it with antibiotics for the rest of its life. (Which may be considerably shortened if it stays on baytril--since it's such a harsh drug for chins). (Chewy also seems to maybe have ringworm on his foot--poor little guy!) Also, my son is paying half the medical fees and he's running out of money. Do you have any suggestions as to what we can do to save his pet?