Chew stick/ block quality from Petsmart?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
I didn't realize I was running so low on chew sticks for my chins. I normally order them from board members, but will be going on vacation this Sat the 23rd. I have someone coming over to take care of my family's animals. I will run out of chew sticks early next week. I was wondering if anything sold at petsmart is okay quality? Or if my chins will be okay for 4-5 days without their nightly sticks? They have plenty of hanging toys to keep them busy. I am going to order sticks before I leave so they will arrive while I'm on vacation.

I expect them to be angry at me when I get back, if they don't get their chew sticks. The boys are especially touchy!
These are the best chew sticks I found and reasonable in price....3.39 was the last I paid with my card oh they are still one sale....I have one chin a bundle last me a week and I give 3-4 each night they are good willow sticks my chin LOVES them when u go to look at the bundles they have assorted size bundles I always go for the one with the wider sticks my chin demolishes them !


they are long 12 inches I snap some in half or let her have a long one....when they are long they make a lotta noise though LOL
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Lol, thanks! I'm going to come home to grumpy chinchillas then!

I'm not sure how my mom's chin will react. He isn't used to chew sticks yet. I don't think the "breeder" ever gave him any.

Toys for a fifth chin are expensive :p At least now I can con my mom into buying stuff for the chins! I mean her kit needs it too!
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