Chest pain?

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So for the last few months in the morning I've been having a sharp chest pain and I have a hard time breathing, this is sometimes accompanied by a weird aching feeling in my upper arm and shoulder. It goes away after about 15 minutes, and usually only happens when I walk uphill (my first class).
I'm only 19 and I'm in shape, I'm making a doctors appointment soon but I was wondering if anyone's had symptoms like these before?
Also, I don't know if this is related, but I often get the weird ache in my arm by its self sometimes, kind of feels like the blood flow is restricted.

Anyways, thanks guys!
I am sorry you are in pain! I think I know what you are talking mom called them heart stiches or somethingI used to get them when I was about your age actually, and when I was working out or dancing or something athletic...I have no idea if she made it up, it's an old wive's tale or what...but it helped me to take really slow deep breaths and stretch my arms above my head for as long as I could. That made it go away faster. Breathing deeply hurts, but for some reason it helped my pain go away. It is a very sharp, intense pain. Anyway, I hope you feel better and figure out what is wrong.
I actually get these everyday.. mid-left chest & it radiates. I saw a doctor & they did a bunch of tests but found nothing wrong.

I honestly can't remember what the doctor called it, but it had to do with something in the rib cage. Similar to a stitch you get while running.

Def call your doctor just in case, but I'm pretty sure this is actually very common, despite how in shape or not in shape you are.
I get these pains ocassionally and figured I just had a rib out of place. It used to happen more than it does now... Good to have it checked, though, just to be sure.
You know my boyfriends mom called it a heart stitch too! I hope that's all it is, I get stitches in my ribs all the time, so maybe. I'm going to make an appointment soon, switching doctors so I have a lot to do. Thanks a lot for the input guys!
Just wanted to say Haley chest pain that lingers and has been ongoing should be checked into so I'm glad you're checking into a doctor visit. Please keep us posted!
I get those, used to quite a lot but (knock on wood) don't as much anymore, my doctors didn't think it was anything but it is worth getting checked. I found the cause of mine but it came with a bunch of other stuff too so yeah get it checked out!