CHanging top level to shavings?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well my chins almost always go to the bathroom in the upstairs level of their FN142 and i was wondering if i could switch only the top level to shavings just so it does not smell as bad, do yall think that would work?
You have my permission :neener:. Shavings will undoubtedly be tracked below but if it makes life easier for you go for it :))!
Haha yea, i did not word that so well :). But yeah if i only have to clean the bottom for poop everyday and switch liners every 2 days but only do the top twice a week that will be alot easier
My FN is divided into 2 cages and my chins on top aren't potty trained quite yet so I have shavings in a bass pan for the top level and they make a HUGE mess around the outside of the cage and even the bottom pair of chins have a large amount of bedding everywhere.. more then normal when I just had those 2 on the bottom with fleece and a pee pan.

Do they pee in one spot up top in particular? Do you currently use like a cake pan of shavings for the pee or just fleece liners?
They pee all over the top level, i have tried cake pan with shavings but they just avoid it
I have 2 FN cages - one with 4 boys and one with 3 boys. I also use the Bass pans. I have Aspen shavings on the bottom level only, fleece on the other levels. They always go to the bottom level (Aspen) to pee. I only have to shake out the fleece - no pee spots. Do you have Aspen on the bottom level?