Chamelions changing color...

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NWI Chinchillas
Feb 1, 2009
Hammond, IN
I just warn you now, this is probably a really stupid question...

So, one of my friends sent me the link to this video on youtube:

Now I know chamelions can change color...but as I've never actually seen one change color.... Is this video real? Or just special effect?

I figured someone here would know...
Special effect. They do change colors but not purple, red, etc. Some species can be quite bright but I don't believe that is real. My son has a veiled chamelion so I have seen them change colors but not like THAT. Also, they don't change by starting the color in their feet and speading from there. It's kind of an overall change at the same time. And definitely not rainbow color like that last color change.
Ok, thanks. That's what I was leaning towards, it being special effects, but since I've never seen them change, I wanted to be sure.... I didn't think it was quite that dramatic, I just figured they could probably change like from a lighter green to a darker green and so on....
I have two veiled chams (like the one in the video), and I can honestly say that neither has ever turned purple or pink. They're just not colors they would take on in the wild. My male is a high orange, so he turns brownish, aqua, green and orange. My female mostly turns green and blue, but sometimes an almost black color if she is refusing to mate (which she has done every time we have introduced them!). I did read on a forum ( that it was real, but until I see it, I don't believe it!