Cat cage?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Alameda, CA
I was curious if anyone had ever used a cat cage for a chin- I didn't even know there was such a thing but we got one for a bird who couldn't live with the rest of the flock and it looks like it could be an awesome place for a chin so am thinking of getting one for ferdinand.

It's 50" tall and almost 40" wide, my main concern is the bar width, I need to measure exactly but it looks to be about 1" to 1 1/2" wide. I can't remember maximum bar width for an adult chin though! Also, would there be anything to worry about with a slide pan on the bottom? I don't think I would use it at all since it seems more trouble than anything and it "sort of" latches in place.

I bought this cage and it was a cat cage. It's 6 feet high, 3 feet by 3 feet. I love it and would love to find another one. It makes my FN look so small next to it. The bar spacing is: 1"

It has 2 doors that are a decent size. I had to get a metal pan made for it 'cause it was a wire bottom with a pull out tray. I reused the metal shelves by covering them in fleece and added a ton of shelves. I have a chin spin in it now too. I really have to take some updated pics of all my cages.

Wow thats beautiful! I never thought of having a metal pan made, but that sounds a lot better than the sliding one. It looks very much like the one I am talking about, although yours is a bit taller.

I love the situations of the shelves, I don't know if you had this concern but the one I got for the bird does not seem the sturdiest especially for a critter who will be rattling it a bit more than a bird! The shelves must help with stability though.

Great thanks for the pic!!!
I have a Cat Kennel ..used it for adult female Rats ...and it was great! Since my old chicas have dwindled down to just the two now ..I am thinking of changing out the plastic shelves for kd pine ..and putting either Phoenix or Obsidian and Palay in it.

I think it should be okay ..the bar spacing ...if it held female Rats securely. ;)
1 1/2 inch bars would most likely be too big, depending on the spacing- lets say it is 6" x 1.5", I know they can escape that. All but the hugest of my chins can escape those spacings. Try to get 1" spacing as the biggest.