
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Some of the kaytee hay has dried carrots in it but I would stay away from that or fresh carrots. There are other treat alternatives for chins that are acceptable for them.
There is a lot of conflicting info out there, but stay away from any fruits or veggies, dried or fresh. There are chin approved treats, but chins really don't need any treats at all. Just a good quality pellet, hay, and plenty of wood chews.
Carrots killed our last chinch. We would definitely say to all chinch owners, "stay away from carrots." She loved them as a treat but they eventually gave her stomach problems and she died. Very sad!
A lot of books and websites say that you should feed vegetables and fruit to chinchillas. They are wrong. Fruits and veggies are a big no-no. they can cause severe digestive issues.