Carpeted floors

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I love my chinchildren!
Dec 12, 2012
So tomorrow I am moving my chinchillas into my new apartment. My bedroom is carpeted and that where Buddah and Bubba are going to stay. I want to see what you all think about play time on carpeted floors, is it ok if i am able to watch them all the time? The other floor in the house is laminate but there is a new puppy that will be roaming around and I don't want them being stressed out in their pen at play time. This is going to be a bad explanation but the carpet is not the kind that has all the individual fibers sticking straight up and their aren't any fraying areas. I want to still be able to let them out for play time but not if it is going to be a health risk. What are your opinions/experiences? Thanks!
I think it should be fine as long as you watch them carefully while they play. Chins can chew on carpet and that is dangerous (can cause impaction) but just keep an eye out. I know there are several members here that have playtime on carpeted floors.
The few months mine played on carpet they left it alone, just keep a eye on them pulling any fibers or strands.
My chin left my carpet alone for a long time, and then one day decided to tear out a small area! You definitely want to keep a close eye on them at all times. They can be incredibly destructive in a very short amount of time. If the carpet becomes an issue, you could always lay down large sheets of cardboard for playtime. I actually have a pen for my chin to come out into and I have large plastic office mats covering the carpet. A section of linoleum would also provide the same protection.
Mine play on carpet all the time, and they don't chew on in..once in a while though boozer will try to "bath" in it and do what he does in his dust bast....which is confusing to me hahah! The only issue I have ever ran into was when I hadn't moved a floor rug that had the long fibers and the boys wouldn't stay away from it, luckily they did not eat any! Just a warning for potential floor/bathroom rugs! I'm not sure if this helps but hopefully it does!
My chin plays on carpeted floor. I do have to keep after her, as she will sometimes pull at the carpeting or try to dig under it to escape the playpen. I just tell her no, or distract her with something else.
Mine all leave the carpet alone. On a side note, I recently did a tear down and extensive cleaning in one room that had had 15 chins playing in it for 6 months. In spite of daily vacuuming, when I took the shop vac to it, I got 15 lbs (yes pounds) of dust out of the carpet. :hair:
My boys play on the carpet, they have never tried to chew it or pull at it. If you have a playpen and they do start to chew the carpet cardboard or a large piece of fleece could be put down under it.
I don't have carpet, but I use towels to block the space under the bathroom door. My bathroom door has a good 1.5-2" gap to the floor. Mochi generally leaves the towel alone, though like Jenny D, she tries to bathe in it sometimes. It's quite funny.

I'm guessing you have looped carpeting? Kind of like the loops in a terrycloth towel?
I am not sure what type of carpeting it is, all I know is that when I look closely at it, it is hard to even grasp any individual fibers. Thank you guys so much! You made me feel a lot better, my guys love playtime and I would hate to never be able to let them out! I will just keep an eye on them and if it really becomes a problem I will try one of you suggestions! :) I am packing up to leave right now, I have a small carrier that I lined with fleece. I hope they don't get too stressed out during the move
It depends on the chin. Ive never tried it, but i no my chins would chew eat and tear the carpet up in no time. Many others (as you can see ^) are fine with it. I would suggest if you try it, just watch them closely. And their behavior might change over time. So don't let your guard down on it to much, or one day they might do it behind your back.
Also i find chins and walls a bigger issue, they seem to like paint coated wood. So also keep a close eye on your furniture and paint. =P

toys and things they can chew on will might keep them distracted. XD
Also i find chins and walls a bigger issue, they seem to like paint coated wood. So also keep a close eye on your furniture and paint. =P

^ very true. This was all done by my chins over time. Unfortunately for me, nothing i could do would deter them. I eventually had to cover the entire wall in a sheet of fleece.

The move went very well and they are all settled in! I have actually really noticed that the carpet isn't a problem they don't even try to chew it but they LOVE the baseboards. I think that I might have to cover the baseboards with strips of fleece cause I don't want them chewing on that paint :/
You can cover the baseboards with fleece, or cut up some moving boxes and use those. If you do though, either attach them so the tape isn't showing or high enough that they can't reach it.