Care post rectal prolapse

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Jun 6, 2012
came back from a night shift to find my 10month old chinchilla very lethargic and sad. picked him up for a cuddle and noticed some of his bowel outside of the anus. I rang the vet and got him there within 10minutes. She told me that he needed a suture to tie it all back in but he would have to survive the anesthetic first. He did and is still very drowsy 12hours later. this is normal for him as he previously had his front leg amputated after getting a bit too excited and breaking his foot. We were told he needed to have recovery food (watery consistancy)for 2 weeks to ensure he did not become constipated and to prevent a re-prolapse. I previously syringe fed him after the last op but he could eat solid food as well then. Now its watery only so i put some in a bowel for him to help himself to and he has tipped it all over him:wacko: Is he looks so sorry for himself and he is now saturated in recovery food. Does anyone know if its a good idea to bathe him? I was going to use warm water and cotton wool but i dont want to stress him out too much after his traumatic events. i read that you could dry chinchillas with a hairdryer? is this really safe?
Help if you can.
Don't worry about the clean up until he is better. I have only had 1 chinchilla survive prolapse and that is king...there is a thread here about the whole thing. But I am on my phone so I cannot post a link. But the last thing to worry about is cleaning him.