Can chins teach eachother bad habits?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
So I had one of my males alone for awhile, and he was 100% potty trained. Always going in his litter dish except if I didn't clean it and it was messy. I have recently introduced one of my other chins into his cage, and he was NOT litter trained.

Now it seems my boy that was originally litter trained has just forgot. Or maybe he sees the other chin do it so he thinks its okay? They pee everywhere BUT the litter box. They wont even go in it once.
Roo always used his potty pan until I paired him him with Koda. They both peed on their shelves for about a year, then eventually moved on to using their potty pan and occasionally their liner again.
Yes chins can teach other bad habits. I have a chin mom and daughter housed together. The mom kacks and used to spray through the bars when you stood in front of the cage and her daughter also did the same behavior as it's learned behavior.

I wish I could help you with the litter pan, of my 9 chins only one of them doesn't use it religiously. If there is fleece down in his cage he goes on fleece, if not he will use the litter pan.
All sorts of habits can be learned from one chin to another, this is especially true with fur chewing.

It's possible that it's learned or that it might be territorial marking related, depending on age it might be a puberty thing as well.

Hope they get back to pottying in the box for you! I have a girl who always pees on her shelf in the same spot, it get annoying is no fun to clean!
Have you tried completely cleaning the cage (new bedding and clean the pans) and putting a bit of pee soiled bedding in the litter pan? They tend to pee where their scent already is, so that might help remind them.