Can anyone recommend a sitter/sitting service near Los Angeles?

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<--- fluffy troublemaker
Jun 17, 2012
Irvine, CA
I'm sorry if this isn't posted in the right section, please move it if it is.

We are flying to New York (where I'm originally from) in August to get married and all of our friends who usually come over to watch the chins for us will be flying to NY as well for the wedding. Can anyone in the LA area recommend a sitter or sitting service they've used in the past? We are hoping to find someone to come to our apartment rather than board them so that they don't get stressed from going to a new location.

I board chins. You would need to bring them to my home, though. I can't think of anyone I know who I could recommend take care of them in your home. My rates are $5 per week per chinchilla and I am located in Riverside.

One thing you might want to consider when having someone taking care of them in your home, the sitter is not going to be there most of the time, so they may not be around if the power goes out taking out the AC with it. Also, if the chinchilla gets injured or should become ill, the possibility of your chinchilla getting help and not having to suffer for hours is greater than it would be if someone is with them 24/7.