Can anyone explain to me why Chins love tape?

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Chins are naturally curious, they are rodents, they will chew & gnaw on anything they can have access too. You need to provide them a "safe" place if you are letting them out of their cage for exercise or play time. Letting them have access to an unsafe (for chins) area can cause injury and/or impaction if they ingest the tape or anything else they are not supposed to have.
Chins will chew anything they can get there little greedy mouths on ;) My chin goes nuts for anything paper, which is hard when I'm using paper towels to wipe down the cage.

Make sure you have the area chin proofed and safe.
I think it's the smell.

That, and I think the shiny nature of shipping tape probably catches their inquisitive little eyes.

Whenever we have a new box laying around, we let them use it to play in/chew up. But I learned very quickly that absolutely ALL tape must be removed, because my two little bandits will find it and tear it up.
I want to know how the heck they know what a sticker is and how they know it can come off and be eaten!
I want to know how the heck they know what a sticker is and how they know it can come off and be eaten!

OMG seriously. Those UPS shipping stickers on boxes? Yeah, those things. Chins love them. At least mine do. I have to go over boxes very carefully to make sure everything is removed because they WILL find it. lol
Its like the sticker puts out some kind of vibe and no matter WHERE it is, if the chin can get to it its gone!