Can anyone answer my question about fleece?

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Student of my chinchillas
Aug 29, 2013
Hi again Everyone,
I know I've been posting a lot recently, but I am fairly new to Chin owning and I've found this forum to be the best place to ask questions and get reliable and helpful answers. So here's what I need help with; I've recently had to move my chinchillas into my bedroom and the mess that their bedding creates is quite annoying. So, my mom suggested I buy fleece for their cage (something I've been thinking about doing for a while). So here are my questions about fleece:
1. What type of fleece should I use? Can it be any type of fleece from the fabric store, or does it have to be anti-pill, or arctic, etc.
2. How often should the fleece liners be washed? Also, what should I was them with? (is it safe to use Tide detergent on the chin's fleece).
3. Should I put two layers of fleece in each pan (I heard the second layer will help absorb urine and protect the pans underneath the fleece).
4. Finally, do I have to secure the liners to the pans? (I have the deep metal Bass pans). Do I just put the fleece down in the bottom of the pan?

Thanks everyone!
Any type of fleece is fine. Tide is fine to wash them in...only thing there is I wouldn't use fabric softener as it tends to make the material less absorbent. The more layers you use the more cushy and absorbent it will be. You will definitely want to use items to help weigh it down as a chin will "re-arrange" their cage in a heartbeat to their liking. Typically you will want to wash it once a week but depending on the size of your cage you will have to judge how fast it gets dirty and go by that. Some of my chins are messier than others. Also I would put a litter box in there and see if they will use it. That will cut down on the cleaning if the chin cooperates and uses it. Hope this helps... :)
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Agreed with the above post. Fleece can be easier in terms of cleanliness, but chins will still toss their poop out of their cages no matter what bedding you use. Wash the liners once a week at minimum with regular detergent and 1 cup of white vinegar to remove any urine odor if necessary.