Can a chin go without a wheel for a couple of weeks?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
Im going to adopt a third chin, and may have a female in mind ;). I was wondering if a chin used to a wheel would be okay without one for a couple of weeks? I am ordering toys and a cage this week, but would need to wait until next pay day to order a chin safe wheel. I have my eyes set on a pink silver surfer.
why not ask the person selling the chin to you to include the wheel (as long as it is a safe one, of course)? add 20 bucks or so to the adoption fee if necessary. if this chin really enjoys their wheel, i would hate to see them go without, although they will survive just fine without it. but they won't be happy! lol.
The chin should be fine without the wheel until you get one. Maybe not the happiest thing, but I'm sure she'll live, haha.
I rotate my wheels around. I have 2 wheels and 6 cages for my chins, so they get them sometimes and go without for a little. Keeps things interesting for them. They don't really care either way.
The plastic flying saucer you can buy at pet stores is very top heavy and needs to be modified if you are thinking of putting it in the cage as it easily falls over. If you chin is a plastic chewer its not a good idea. Personally I would save the money and just save up for a good wheel. the $25 you would spend is 1/3 the cost of a chinspin(about $70) and half the cost of the silver surfer(approx 50) they mentioned above.
Has anyone used the flying wheel? It is plastic so I am a little concerned. Is it safe?

The plastic flying saucer that you can buy at pet stores is garbage and I do not recommend buying it, whether your chin is a plastic chewer or not. Plastic, as a general rule of thumb, should be removed from the cage completely. It only takes a little nibble to cause a blockage. Why take the risk?
The Chin Spin from Quality Cages, the Silver Surfer,and the Flying Saucer are all three very good wheels. Of hand, I cannot think of who sells two of them, but I am sure someone will come on here and supply that information.