Cage verification, please?

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So I have been looking like mad for a FN142, and I think I've come across one on Craigslist, but am not too sure... the dude that is selling it doesn't seem to know either, he just says that it is a "large chinchilla cage." Sweet... thanks dude.



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I think those are like a couple I have like that and they work great. They aren't FNs, but if the price is right, you could do a lot worse for a cage. That one looks like it needs to go to a car wash and be power hosed though. I had to do that with one I got. It was just disgusting. But after the powerwash, it was nice and clean. :)
Hmm... ok.

Well, here's what's up...

I have two chins right now living in a SuperPet My First Home Multi-Floor Ferret Home (rabble rabble what a long name for a cage, and redundant!) and I personally don't like it. Unless I'm doing something wrong, and I can't imagine that to be the case since I read through these forums like no tomorrow, they make a mess and a half. I want something that's easy to clean and bigger-sized. Looking up the dimensions of the Feisty Ferret, it is definitely bigger. He's selling it for $160 though, along with a female chin... I would love to have another, but I really don't NEED another. And trying to introduce her to my two males most likely won't ever work. I'm coming to the conclusion that I should just keep shopping, especially given the FN142's impressive track record.
I just bought a FN cage at Petsmart for $179.99. It was $190 with tax or do the cage is the same price but you have to pay for shipping which for me it would have been $214.

Personally I would keep looking. You can also tell if it's a ferret nation cage because on both doors it will have a name plate on the left hand side. You don't want to make a bad decision bc then you might miss a chance at a FN cage. Just a thought but I can see where you are coming from bc I was really wanting a FN cage and constantly checked out craigslist and there was nothing in my area.

I hope this helps. :)
The big downfall on that cage compared to the FN is both doors don't open and it's smaller.

If you do get it, don't introduce the female to your two males. One, they will breed and you should never breed animals with unknown backgrounds. Two, your males may fight over the female. You will have to keep her separate at all times.
I will keep searching. I tried PetSmart online and noticed the relatively cheap $180 price tag, but didn't wanna pay for shipping. I have tried in-store but they don't carry it... I didn't ask if they could have one special ordered though... perhaps I should give that a shot...

Thanks for all the input! You all are so very helpful and awesome!
What do you mean they don't carry it in-store? I bought mine in the Petsmart store.
yes mine has stopped carrying them, i guess maybe becuase of backorder yes i have a 55 dollar in store credit and they are on sale but id rather pay the extra 20 bucks and get my cage from and have it in the next week or 2
i would call around to see if they have a FN at another petsmart or see if they will order it for you at your local store. ask them to price match and bring printouts from home showing the prices online. i printed out a page from and king wholesale and my petsmart matched the king wholesale price. It was $163 and change, so for $3 more than that CL used cage you could get a brand new FN!
I have that cage and got it for $159 with free shipping from It's a nice cage. It's not as big as the FN, but that's why I got it. The FN is really the better cage IMHO, but for some it's just too big.
Found a relatively local in-store Petsmart to do an online price match. Got the cage for $165... thanks all! Now on to the club pictures to get an idea on how to lay everything out... :)