Hmm... ok.
Well, here's what's up...
I have two chins right now living in a SuperPet My First Home Multi-Floor Ferret Home (rabble rabble what a long name for a cage, and redundant!) and I personally don't like it. Unless I'm doing something wrong, and I can't imagine that to be the case since I read through these forums like no tomorrow, they make a mess and a half. I want something that's easy to clean and bigger-sized. Looking up the dimensions of the Feisty Ferret, it is definitely bigger. He's selling it for $160 though, along with a female chin... I would love to have another, but I really don't NEED another. And trying to introduce her to my two males most likely won't ever work. I'm coming to the conclusion that I should just keep shopping, especially given the FN142's impressive track record.