Cage questions

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Mar 16, 2010
Upstate New York
Ok so i figured i love my chinny... Ill make him an overly large cage so he can jump and frolic and enjoy himself but i cant figure out how to do it
What do you guys use in your homemade cages?
My main concern is what would I use for the sides?
Any sites with instructions or instructions on here would be much appreciated
Runs are used by breeder's for their chins--if you are a pet owner you most likely do not want a run for your chin especially if you want him to have lots of room to frolic and play.
The person mentioning a "run" for their cage probably meant something like a dog run, or an additional pen the animal can get out to exercise in attached to the main cage. But for the most part with chins, a run is for breeding.
Oh ok thanks for that :)
Now to figure out how to build this cage
I cant figure out how to make it strong enough to hold shelves and toys and a frolicing chinny
Im moving this back up to the top of the list :p
Im still lost as to how to build this cage
I cant figure out anyway to get the side to stay strong since i assume everyone uses just normal wire for the sides