Cage Question!

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New member
Dec 4, 2011
So... I'm getting a Chin (My graduation present to myself from college)... I had a question... I've seen around the web a few home made cages for Chins, with Closetmaid shelves ( Is it really possible to use these to make a cage? I always thought the wires were to far apart--and that the wire would hurt the poor chin's feet!! I just want to make sure i'm not going insane..

Also, any tips for a new chin owner would be much appreciated!!
Those types of cages are not appropriate for chinchillas. One of the favorites around here is the Ferret Nation. It may cost a little more up front, but it will be the only cage you need.
I second the Ferret Nation. I ended up buying a double for my ferret, my chin boys and my rats (each species has their own double FN) because they are so easy to clean and reach into!
I wouldnt recomend the type in that link. Theirs a lot of space in between those bars and you risk a chin trying to get through. Expecaly younger chins, they can fit through 1inch spacing liek its nothing.

FN is deffenitly a popular cage. I use two of them myself. Quality nation cages seem a little popular as well. But iv never had one, so cant comment on them.

As for tips.. do a lot of research. Theirs a fair amount you should know before getting a chin. And also remember they can live for 15~ years. So its a commitment.