Cage Bar Chewing HELP

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Active member
Mar 16, 2011
I have had my chin Wilson for 2 years with no behavior issues.The past month or so he has been chewing like crazy on his cage bars making an incredible amount of noise. It was so bad I've had to move him out of my room but the noise is so bad its disturbing everyone in my house. I get him out every night, he has lots of toys, a wheel etc. I have previously attempted to get him a new chinny playmate but he rejected him and so we keep them separate. Anyone had a similar situation or have any suggestions what to do to help him out? He's obviously bored and we all need to sleep. :hair:

Thanks so Much
is there a certain place on the cage bars that he chews all the time? try hanging a toy right there, or take a piece of kiln dried pine board and put it flush/flat against the cage bars in that area.
is there a certain place on the cage bars that he chews all the time? try hanging a toy right there, or take a piece of kiln dried pine board and put it flush/flat against the cage bars in that area.

He does it all over his cage annoyingly
Mine do it too, i put toys where they chew the bars the most and i have just added a large piece of Cholla wood onto the cage bars where i usually see them chewing the bars. It has worked wonders and its not been destroyed in a day :D
Thanks Guys

Looks like bits of wood is the way forwards. I need to be strategic!