^ The FN cages have spacing way wider than that, and those are routinely used.
As for the dog crate though, that would depend on the bar spacing. If the crate is bigger than the CN, them my guess would be that the bar spacing would be too big. If the bar spacing (the small number) is bigger than 1", I won't use it. I know of someone who wanted to use a dog crate, and they ended up switching to an actual cage, as they said their chin could get it's head through the bars (cause, as in your case, they were using a large dog crate that had wider spacing).
I feel like it's worth buying something that's actually meant as a cage for a chin or another small animal versus trying to play around making dog crates or cages out of things other than wire, melamine, or wood. It seems the people who use these alternative cages (or even large bird cages meant for macaws and stuff... those have way too big bar spacing) tend to end up switching to regular cages, as the bar spacing pretty much always becomes a problem. Just my $0.02.