Bumblefoot or dry feet?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011

I was doing my weekly check of the boys and noticed that Phillip has tiny callouses on both hind feet. I was looking up bumblefoot, but it didn't appear to be that to me. One of the callouses seems ready to come off. Does it just seem to be dry feet? I was going to see about getting some bag balm or vitamin E to rub on his feet. Should this be applied daily? Sorry about the pic quality Phillip didn't want to cooperate, and still wants nothing to do with me at the moment :p
Looks like just a bit of dried callouses to me.
If you do bag balm you only need a teeny tiny bit and rub it all the way in so his feet don't stay 'greasy' Lolita you'll end up with 'sticky paws' that have dust n fur on em. For him I would only do a very light amount once ever 2-3 days for a week and see how his feet are at the end of the week, you don't want to over do it too much and have supper soft feets... Kind of like when you walk barefoot if you have tougher calloused feet they stand up to the hard things a bit better, when you have soft feet every little stick n rock hurts (lol I use to be a bare foot kid, can you tell?)
My girls feets are much more callous looking than his! And I only bb them every few months or more..
Bumble foot happens when the feet crack, bleed, and infection sets in. It can be difficult to present infection on feet when there is an open wound, and that's where Blu kote and bag balm come into play together.
It doesn't look like bumblefoot to me. If it were, you'd know right away. It normally has a sore with puss coming out of it or has some really bad swelling if the abscess hasn't ruptured. Chins will avoid walking around on the sores and abscesses. You can use the bag balm or vitamin E or jojoba oil or whatever helps with the dryness. Honestly, I rarely ever put anything on the feet unless there is a cut or wound...I don't want to soften up callouses too much!
Thank you for the information! I just wasn't sure :) I wanted to make sure he was okay.