Building an ideal chin cage...

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Oct 8, 2012
South Dakota
Lily's cage is an alright size for her, but I talked with my brother and he said he would make her a bigger cage- so she can have more ledges, more hiding spots, overall more space, etc. My brother has been doing things like this as a hobby his whole life, so I know as long as I provide him with the right information he can make a fantastic cage.

I looked into it a bit on my own but ultimately decided this was the best place to get advice. So... if you were to build the ideal cage for your chins (I just have one female), what would it be like? Material, dimensions, ledges, etc? I want to take advantage of being able to TOTALLY customize this cage and make it a perfect little home for Lily, so any advice or suggestions would be hugely appreciated :)
Many members on here have some awesome home made cages. I would say that the biggest thing is to make it easily accessible for cleaning and safe. In other words, make sure you can reach everything easily from whichever type of "door" you make and don't give it too much height without safety nets or extra shelves.

If you peruse (sp?) some of the threads you will find some cool home made cages!