Brothers and sisters don't breed...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
Seriously, I would love to find the people who spread this sort of thing and make sure they don't breed!

I just read and commented of course on a post on my local sell it group where a lady posted that the birds she had are brother and sister so you don't have to worry about them breeding...

I don't get it.
Lol.....they aren't like humans and have a moral position against breeding with your siblings. Animals are animals. They don't realize who is related to them and who isn't.

Is this woman serious? I mean technically any of us could breed with our brothers or sisters....but we never would because A. it's nasty B. illegal and C. socially unacceptable and frowned upon, lol

I hope you weren't the only one who posted after her, straightening her out a little.
Next time they say brothers and sisters won't breed, ask if they ever saw "The Lion King." Who did they think the father of both Simba and Nala was? It is a bit of a digression but it will insert enough uncertainty into their head to confuse them for a while.
LOL, I never thought about that Lion King theory.

She said a vet told her that they can tell they're brother and sister so won't breed... I told her she needs a new vet.
Unbelievable, I would definitely not use that vet!!

None of the vets I ever worked with would recommend keeping siblings together bc "they wont breed." I always thought it was kinda common sense that they would at least attempt to do so!

Who is this vet?? What horrible and completely wrong information.

We mainly worked with dogs and cats....but our vets still recommended spay and neuter if any client had siblings.
Yea she didn't name the "vet" so I'm not sure who it was, there is only one avian vet in the area, and he's currently working an hour away and has been for over a year, so I'm guessing the "vet" might not have a name... :O
Oi! Some people shouldn't even be allowed to swim in the shallow end of the gene pool. Maybe it's just because I always lived in the country and read alot about animals but even then I knew it was instinct to breed/have sex.Only humans can make love.There is a definite God given difference! Then after years of working ObGyn it just reinforced it.Unfortunately humans also have instincts but not a lick of sense sometimes.
The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me. I hear this one all the time...But they are brother and sister so they won't breed.....BS male + female = babies related or not
When I was little my mom used to work in a small pet store. The owner would just throw animals together to breed them. I think she had several guinea pigs get pregnant before the age of three months by either their brother or father.She may have inbred her chinchillas as well.

I remember one poor girl who had a cataract, I'm not sure if she bred her back to her father or not.

My cat's are brother and sister as well, but both are fixed.
I think guinea pigs need to be breed before a certain age because otherwise their pelvic bones fuse? That's what I was told anyway, I've never bred gp's so I don't know, but I've known a lot of people with them who have had mom get pregnant by a son because they didn't wean them in time... :(
I think they need to be bred by six or seven months? I think males are mature between 6-8 weeks of age.
I worked for a woman once who kept 2 white boxers in a cage together, Brother and sister. Sister was deaf. She got pregnant by him and had 2 blind and 3 deaf puppies. What a shame!