Broken Wheel

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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My girls managed to break their wheel somehow about a week ago. I'm not really clear on how they managed that as the thing is pretty sturdy but here we are. It's one of those super-quiet numbers with the wide metal surroundings and a wooden back. I'd upload a picture but my camera and I aren't on speaking terms.

Anyway the interior joint that allows it to spin seems to have given out to the point where it's spilling ballbearings. I reset everything once already (mostly by hitting it with a hammer) but it just broke again as soon as they tried to use it. I think the wheel was a semi custom job but truth be told I can't really remember. Anyway, if anyone knows how to fix a thing like this I'm open to suggestion. I'm handy with a set of tools but I've never had to fix anything more than a busted hinge and conversely less complicated than a motherboard. Just have a bit of an experience gap in there...anyway, thanks.

Edit: Evidently it's called a "Chin Spin" if that helps.
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