Good luck, they're pretty unique and individual. I mean, custom runs are built to a buyers specifications...I've built some of my own runs as have others I'm sure...but if you're not set up for cage building the initial costs can be way high. What kind of runs were you hoping to make...wood & wire with metal pans, wire with metal pans...solid bottom...wire all makes a big difference on the supplies & tools you'll need. Your best bet may just be to purchase some already made!
I prefer to purchase mine, but due to the type of run I like best (solid bottom, wire sides, sheet metal dividers) sometimes I HAVE to build my own as nobody sells that type of run. Having custom runs made really is just too pricey.
I haven't made any of my own yet but I plan to. My father made cages for me in the past and is willing to help me with these, simply because I prefer a type similar to Vyxxin except I like built-in hay holders as dividers instead of solid dividers.
The ones I have found that I like best, the Cheek's Custom Cage Works (Texas) are just so expensive!
I make my own...not sure if it's completely worth all the hassle. But I just copied the Ryerson's or Shoots style of run. And I still have to buy the pans.