Breathing problems!

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New member
Aug 5, 2011
My 6 month old chinchilla got out of his cage this morning and when I managed to catch him I noticed his whole front was wet. I thought maybe he'd gotten into something but upon further inspection I realized it was mucous. He started grinding his teeth when I put him back in his cage. Then he immediately started doing something that made it look like he was dry heaving (even though I know chinchillas can't vomit) This dry heaving and teeth grinding continued for around 20 minutes before I decided to take him to the vet. The closest exotic vet is about 35 minutes away so I called around quickly to all the local vet to see if they treated chinchillas. I found one that was willing to give it a try. By the time I got there though, the mucous had stopped running and he wasn't making the strange vomitting actions anymore. The vet said it was something to do with his teeth (since he's never been very interested in chewing) and I went back home. Tonight when I checked on him, He was wheezing heavily, squeaking when he breathes and it looks like he's trying really hard simply to get air in. He is back to grinding his teeth again but no mucous. He did the strange vomitting movements a few times after I tried to scratch under his chin, so I stopped. he's all curled up, with his ears back and looks to be in a lot of pain. I am completely willing to drive to an exotic vet (i didn't earllier because I didn't know how serious it was) but now I know its too serious for a vet thats not well versed in exotics. Problem is, none of them are open and I don't see emergency contacts. The one that opens the earliest is at 730 am and its now only 1 am. What could this be? Is there ANYTHING I can do in the meantime for him?? PLEASE HELP!
Can you check all the electrical wires carefully for bite marks? This type of dramatic symptoms points to electrical burns of the mouth and can be deadly even hours or days after the fact.
It could be choke - if there is something stuck in his throat then he will show the signs you are describing. Did the vet last night check his mouth for anything stuck between his back teeth or burns (as Ticklechin has suggested) or anything like that?

Although chinchillas can't vomit if they have something stuck in their mouth they can look like they are trying to vomit - they are trying to get it out. If something is stuck in their mouths & they are producing lots of saliva then they can aspirate on that which causes breathing problems. Aspiration can lead to URI & pneumonia which needs intensive nursing & veterinary care.

He needs to see a vet now, not wait until the early morning - there is nothing you can do until a vet has taken a look into his mouth/throat to see what is going on.

Please keep us posted - good luck.
I agree with Claire, it does sound like a choke response or a mouth injury. If has aspirated any saliva, he will need to be put on antibiotics.