BRC's X2 Finally!

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
St. Joseph, MO
Meet Dax he was born 03/09/09!

he is a Tan, his brother was a tan white, who to my horror was killed by my cats.

I was away for the weekend, i knew she was preg. but i didn't think she was that far along at all (i weigh them bi-monthly and she stayed ~746 until mid feb where she gained 70g between feb. 16th to march 4th) so i hadn't moved her in to the appropriate cage yet. Well the kit got out and my cats found him before my fiancee could realize she had given birth.



I am sorry the kit died needlessly. All females who have even been with a male for even 5 minutes should be kept in a baby safe cage...even the most experianced breeders are off on due dates and sometimes completely surprised

Congrats on the beige...not a tan looks like it has a white belly
I saw BRC and I was like I didn't have a kit! heehee those are my initials! THough soon they will be BRS. :)

He's a very cute little guy!
Wow, adorable! Sorry to hear about the loss of Dax's brother :eek:( So sad....BAD kitty!
He's a beautiful baby! I'm sorry to hear about the brother. We actually keep all of our breeders in kit-friendly cages just in case of a surprise.